Friday, 21 August 2009

Friday August 21st Musing

Merrie Meet to one and all

This is a piece that I discovered several years ago, but I feel it still holds true today.

I for one am proud to say...........I Am A Witch.

I Am A Witch. by Sandi Thomas

When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a "Witch".
When I stand up for those I love, they call me a Witch.
When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts, or do things my own way, they call me a Witch.

Being a witch entails raising my children to be strong people.
Who have a solid sense of personal and social responsibility.
Who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in.
Who love and respect themselves for the beautiful beings they are.

Being a witch means that I am free to be the wonderful creature I am,
With all my own intricacies, contradictions, quirks and beauty.
Being a witch means I won't compromise what's in my heart.
It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.

When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak up against it, I am defined as a witch.
The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone else's maid or when I act a little selfish.

I am proud to be a witch!
It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be.

I am outspoken, opinionated and determined.
By Goddess, I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that!

So, try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won't succeed.

And if that makes me a witch, so be it. I embrace the title and am proud to bear it. I love this, I can call myself a witch now and not feel bad about it!


I hope that you have enjoyed reading this and that you will continue to follow my blog.

I will write again soon.

Love and Light to All

Blessed Be


Altered Image Life Coaching Blog

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Thursday August 13th Musing

Merrie Meet one and all,

I will start today's topic with an update on the events from the last 24 hours - they are certainly exciting me and whilst may be somewhat "normal occurences" for a lot of people, for someone who awoke to this new life a relatively short while ago (1989 to be exact) and had previously been a hardened sceptic they are quite mind blowing.

I have detailed below an extract from a conversation I was having with a very dear friend of mine yesterday, and we had been chatting for some time when .....(well I'll let the transcript take over from here!)

10.51.59 EJA: he he
10.52.12 Dave: hmmmm
10.52.26 Dave: keep on like this we won't need to type
10.53.08 EJA: yes indeed
10.54.04 Dave: have you got something green, that is very precious to you nearby, that you have just been thinking about or within the last 10 minutes or so?
10.54.33 EJA: xxxxx is wearing green sat next to me
10.54.39 EJA: that pretty precious
10.54.47 Dave: oh bloody hell
10.55.01 EJA: she is researching moon cycles
10.55.05 EJA: i was helping her
10.55.25 Dave: wow

There are almost 500 miles between myself and the person I was talking to and yet the information came through with total clarity.

Pagan Headstones

The 23rd of April 2009 marked the two year anniversary of the first Pagan headstone issued by the US Government, through the Veterans Department. This was a big step for all U.S. Pagans and a relief to those veterans that will now have a privilege that their elders didn’t.

Although the pentacle has been accepted as a government-observed emblem, each path will now need to have their own fight. Currently, paths are working on this; one that comes to mind is the Druids. If you get a chance to vote or aid for any Pagan fight in this matter, please step up to the plate; they were there when the Wiccans were working on the pentacle.

The headstone is a mere step. When making dog tags, signing up for ID cards, or joining the VA hospital Pagans do not have their religion noticed. This means that they are still having to claim the religion title of ‘other’.

"Below I have reproduced the timeline of events that emerged to get this request acknowledged"

Rosemary Kooiman requested a pentacle for her husband Abe’s headstone for when he was to die.
Abe Kooiman passed away.
A response of “Once we get records updated it will take place” was sent to Rosemary (the same response she got for 10 years)
Rosemary Kooiman Died.
Roberta Stewart filed suit for the VA to add the pentacle symbol to their approved emblems for headstone.
Several Pagan and civil rights organizations joined in Roberta’s cause.
The 33rd symbol for VA headstones was approved.
Patrick Stewart was given a plaque and Abe Kooiman a headstone with a pentacle on it.

This article has been reproduced from the Pagan Moonbeams bi-monthly magazine website

I hope that you have found today's musing of interest and that you will soon sign up my regular updates on this page.

While you are at it, can I suggest that you also look at the sister blog to this one, Altered Image that can be found at

Until we meet again

Love and Light to all

Blessed Be


Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Thursday's addition to Wednesday's musing

Hi and Merrie Meet in the wee small hours of Thursday.

Before I go off to my bed I must share this experience with you all

Last night I decided to do a meditation and during the course of this I had a series of images and thoughts, most appeared completely random until an image of a friend of mine appeared and the words "look to the sun" accompanied this image, immediately afterwards an image of Black and Tan dog's head replaced this and that was replaced by an image of a white cat, followed by a modern house.

When I had finished I knew it was most important that I contacted my friend and told her of the meditation. I did so and almost immediately received a message back saying "thank you so much, I cannot see to text through the tears"

This reply intrigued me and later I received an explanation...........

This friend's aunt had passed away and whilst alive she had been a pianist, my friend had sung at her funeral on Wednesday ...... and my friend said this

"in my times of darkness she would make me sing and say the sun shines on the righteous. She had a white cat!"

"...but the tan and black would be our family dog ... died a year ago while i was in a coma"

That was brilliant and she followed that revelation with this......

"he says the new house is him, he asked me today to consider a new life with him"

then she said

"well about an hour before i got your message i was wondering if i had done the right thing"

to which my response was

"you had made your decision but had self doubts about it, but your decision was yes "but it has to be right and for life""

and finally she replied "yes. Thank you for passing this on .."

I thank the Goddess for bestowing this gift upon me and trust that I will always use it correctly.

Love and Light to all, and Blessed Be


Wednesday 5th August Musing

Merrie Meet one and all

This week I have found a nice piece regarding moon working I for one will be working this tomorrow (Thursday) providing that the moon is totally visible, I will also be working a healing meditation, so anyone who would like me to send special healing please let me know as soon as possible.

Please enjoy the post

Full Moon Ray Bath

The full moon has been revered as containing power beyond belief. It has been worshiped and thought highly of, as long as can be traced. In modern days, people still think highly of the moon. There are lots of things that people do in the light of the moon, especially the full moon. People take an emotional bath, do certain types of rituals or magic, as well as confide in it.

This week, there will be a full moon, so take this time to do your own version of connecting with it.

One idea would be to take a full moon ray bath. Grab a crystal or prism (the bigger, the better) and practice with the sunlight on how to find the
rainbow that shows the colors it is made of. Once you have mastered how to use your tool, follow the steps below to perform your own simple full moon ray bath.

• In a rather large area, position your crystal in one hand, so as to show the rainbow of the moon on your other hand.

• Slowly move your hand away and position your body, face, or whatever part you want to cleanse with the moon’s rays in its place.

• While the rays or rainbow is shining on you, close your eyes and feel its energy and share some of your energy with it.

Please feel free to document your experience as comments on here as well as notes on how to make it better next full moon!

reproduced from Pagan Moonbeams 2009

Have a fantastic day

I wish everyone Love Light and Healing wherever you may be

Blessed Be
